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Invisalign in INDIANAPOLIS, IN

Invisalign for ADULTS and TEENS

Moving teeth for form and function is the hallmark at Timothy C. Adams, DDS, D.ACSDD because of his extensive training, experience, background in Neuromuscular Dentistry, Airway, Sleep and Full Mouth Reconstruction. Years of experience has shown the wrong movement can lead to TMJ, airway issues, pain and worn teeth. Dr. Adams can assess adults and teens prior to moving the teeth to see what would be the best way to cosmetically enhance the smile. In some cases, traditional braces are indicated. In other cases, Clear Aligners can be the best option. There are even cases where orthodontia can be avoided completely and the smile can be built for both esthetic beauty, function and form.

Invisalign Orthodontics is a procedure that allows teeth to be moved to a more ideal alignment without the traditional brackets and wires found in more traditional treatment protocols. Both adults and teens have received excellent results correcting gapped teeth, open bite, underbite, crossbite and overly crowded bites. This procedure can not replace traditional braces in all cases which is why Dr. Adams can provide a comprehensive evaluation and possibly a referral to an orthodontist that specializes in more difficult cases.

Invisalign clear aligners are made of a clear plastic material that fits comfortably over existing teeth. These aligners are removable rather than cemented or bonded like traditional orthodontic brackets. This allows the removal for eating, brushing, flossing and important social events.

Invisalign Invisalign | Dentist In Indianapolis, IN | Timothy C. Adams, DD

Invisible, Removable, and Comfortable

Invisalign is comfortable to wear and it doesn’t require you to change your busy lifestyle. A few visits with Dr. Adams every month or two to check your progress, receive new aligners and answer any questions is all that is involved. Average treatment time is only about a year. Because aligners are removable, you can continue to eat your favorite foods while brushing and flossing normally to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

INVISALIGN CLEAR ALIGNERS: Have been used successfully by adults and teenagers as an affordable and effective alternative to metal braces

Advantages of Invisalign:

  • Practically invisible
  • Improved oral hygiene
  • No real diet restrictions
  • Taken out when eating
  • Comfortable
  • Made out of a thin, clear flexible plastic
  • Protection from teeth grinding
  • Affordable
  • Corrects many forms of malocclusion that were once considered too complicated
  • Invisalign for Teens

Invisalign | Dentist In Indianapolis, IN | Timothy C. Adams, DDS

Invisalign offers a terrific option that can create stellar smiles besides the traditional braces that once plagued the teen. Meticulous use of pics, threaders and balls of wax to relieve discomfort are a thing of the past. Invisalign Clear aligners are the perfect solution that can fit fluidly with the busy lifestyle of teenagers.

Two features have been added to make Invisalign a more appropriate orthodontic treatment method for teenagers. Special “eruption tabs” hold the appropriate amount of space open for molars that have not fully grown in. Invisalign for teens also comes with “compliance indicators” built into the aligner material, which fade with wear. This allows parents, dentists, and the teens themselves, to make sure the trays are being worn as prescribed. Treatment with Invisalign can only be successful if this is the case.

How does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign clear aligners work on the same principal as traditional orthodontics by applying precise forces to move the teeth into a more ideal and desirable position. This is done with clear flexible and comfortable aligners rather than hard metal or porcelain hardware.

Sophisticated software designs the individual aligners to move your teeth in a sequential order until the final desired outcome is achieved. This process allows a number aligners to be made that are worn over a period of time. This could be up to several dozen aligners. For each phase in the treatment, the Invisalign company will manufacture two plastic mouth “trays” or “aligners,” one to fit over your top teeth and one for the bottom. Each set of aligners are worn for two weeks, for a minimum of 20 hours per day. After each phase you will then move on to the next set of aligners in your series to accomplish the next stage of gradual movement. This process is repeated until the final results are achieved.

How Do I Clean My Teeth and Invisalign Clear Aligners?

One of the main advantages of the Invisalign system is that the appliances(trays) can be removed for easy cleaning. Cleaning protocol for braces is much more extensive which requires special flossers, pics and food restrictions. Invisalign Clear Aligners eliminate this time consuming and tedious process but it is vital to practice good oral hygiene and to regularly and thoroughly clean the Invisalign Clear Aligners. You'll need to brush your teeth after every meal or snack so that food and plaque do not get trapped in the aligners, which could promote tooth decay and gum disease. If you do not have a toothbrush handy rinse and swish your mouth out with water. Your aligners will also have to be cleaned regularly; you can do this by brushing them and then rinsing them with lukewarm water. If you do not have a toothbrush with you, rinse your aligners well and don't forget to brush them when you get home. Imagine putting dirty clothes on after you take a shower......that is what it is like to put an unwashed appliance back onto your clean teeth.

Also, please keep in mind that while wearing clear aligners is very different from wearing braces, the importance of retaining your post-treatment results is exactly the same. You'll want to be sure to wear your retainer(s) exactly as prescribed after your treatment is completed to protect your investment in a beautiful new smile.

How do I get started?

Dr. Adams is pleased to share his wealth of knowledge and expertise on how to enhance the smile so patients can make informed decisions on how they would like to proceed. He recommends the least invasive procedures when possible with the goal of giving every patient the opportunity to have the smile they have always dreamed of. Call and set up an appointment with us at our Carmel – Indianapolis office. Dr. Timothy C. Adams, DDS, D.ACSDD will give you a thorough examination to determine if Invisalign Clear Aligners are the right choice for you.

A more desirable smile and straighter teeth are finally within reach. This high tech advancement in teeth straightening (Invisalign) is the best of both worlds when it comes to a fast, comfortable, affordable and desirable results.

Invisalign will not be able to solve all orthodontic conditions but it has been very effective for many straight forward cases.

Timothy C. Adams, DDS, D.ASCDD has extensive training in managing the bite allowing him to advise patients towards the least invasive and holistic options. Airway, TMJ, sleep and occlusion can become interconnected which is why it is important to consult with a dentist who is well trained in those disciplines before undertaking changing the alignment of the teeth, no matter how small.


Ready for a new smile with our Invisalign treatment or would like to learn more? 
Then call our Indianapolis, IN office at (317)580-9222 to book an appointment today!

Contact Us

Call or email us to request an appointment. (317) 580-9222

Our Location

3021 E 98th St Suite 220 | Indianapolis, IN 46280

Hours of Operation

(317) 580-9222


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm





